Look around at the people you work with.
Remember they are each a ‘Human Being’ not just a ‘Human Doing.’
Take work a day at a time,
you never know what someone is going through today.
Photo by Luke Braswell on Unsplash
Look around at the people you work with.
Remember they are each a ‘Human Being’ not just a ‘Human Doing.’
Take work a day at a time,
you never know what someone is going through today.
Photo by Luke Braswell on Unsplash
Neil Schambra Stevens is a People Strategist and Business Coach focusing on well-being and productivity in the workplace. He believes better business is achieved by emerging leaders who practice kindness, gratitude, momentum and resilience.
Neil draws on over two decades of C-level experience with Fortune 500 brands, simultaneously building brand love and high performing teams, and collecting life and work experiences along the way across Europe, Asia and the USA.
He is a regular guest, writer and speaker on podcasts, articles and roundtable discussions on the importance of productivity and well-being in the workplace. Neil believes in simplicity and encourages the principle of “Working From Anywhere’. He currently lives and runs Mercury Jam from a houseboat in Amsterdam.
He is a regular guest, writer and speaker on
podcasts, articles and roundtable discussions
on the importance of productivity and well-being
in the workplace.
Neil believes in simplicity and encourages
the principle of “Working From Anywhere’.
He currently lives and runs Mercury Jam
from a houseboat in Amsterdam.
Photo by Peter Hemmelink
To set up an initial introductory call, choose a date and time on the
calendar that works for you.
Or send us a note at, we look forward to
hearing from you.
To set up an initial introductory call,
choose a date and time
and on the
calendar that works for you.
Or send us a note at,
we look forward to
hearing from you.