"I would recommend this book to anyone
looking to maximise intentional living
and minimise regret."
- Kian Bakhtiari, Founder, The People

On average we spend 90,000 hours
of our lives at work.
The only thing we do more is sleep.

Start Small, Start Simple, Just Start

You can’t rely on companies for your happiness and security anymore,
it’s never been harder to succeed in the ‘corporate’ world.
This book gives you the hope and permission to take back control of your working journey,
to thrive again,
and to bring more joy to your daily life

‘A Bad Hand Played Well’ is a ‘how-to’ guide to a different, kinder way of working for yourself and others.
It’s a mix of best practices and pitfalls to avoid.
A combination of wisdom and anecdotes, rooted in kindness, gratitude and resilience.
You have one life, make it a good one.

Available in Amsterdam from Atheneum and The American Book Center, and online from Amazon.

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